This sequence is developed by Dr Alexander Shishonin to cure high blood pressure issues known as hypertension. All the exercises are performed in a standing position. Firstly, there is a warm-up of the shoulders, after we move the focus to the chest area and the neck-collar zone. At the end of the video, you are shifted into Shavasana - the final position for deep relaxation of body and mind.
Alexander Shishonin - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head and Chief Physician of the Clinic of Doctor Shishonin Clinical Complex, author of the method "Cervico-cerebral therapy", author of the method of microanatomical research (triplex scanning of the great vessels of the head and neck), author of "Theory of Convergent Bioprocesses", a full member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Dr Shishonin's unique methods are used for drug-free treatment and recovery of patients with hypertension, chronic cerebral ischemia, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, post-infarction and post-stroke rehabilitation, rehabilitation after CABG and stenting, as well as treatment of IVD hernias of all localizations, arthrosis of large joints, rehabilitation after endoprosthetic.