Yoga for Quitting Smoking helps gradually break free from the habit by restoring natural breathing and improving overall well-being.
Dynamic movements in standing, plank, and prone positions intensify breathing, shifting the habitual respiratory pattern. Over time, inhalations become deeper, and the body adapts to a healthier way of breathing.
Challenging poses that require effort stimulate the production of beta-endorphins, creating a sense of pleasure during and after practice. This natural release of feel-good hormones helps replace nicotine dependency with the body's own sources of relaxation and satisfaction.
Backbends and chest-opening poses expand lung capacity, reduce tightness in the chest area, and restore natural breath flow, which is often restricted in smokers.
Short sessions offer a gentle way to begin the transition, while longer practices deepen breathwork and strengthen the body. With regular practice, yoga gradually replaces the smoking habit with mindful self-care.