Austrian physician and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich identified seven areas of muscular tension where unprocessed emotions are "frozen." He called this the "muscular armor," which blocks the natural flow of energy. Releasing these tensions helps restore balance in the body and mind.
The seven segments of tension—eyes, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen, and pelvis—closely align with the seven chakras of Hatha Yoga. Reich used massage and psychotherapy to release these blocks, but physical exercises can also be effective.
This series of lessons focuses on the neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen, and pelvis. Tension is relieved through stretching, controlled engagement, and breathing. For the eyes and mouth, simple techniques like eye movements, Trataka, wide mouth opening, and lip stretching can help.
Releasing muscular tension restores energy flow, improves well-being, and brings freedom of movement. With regular practice, you'll feel lighter and more at ease in your body.