Welcome to the Quit Smoking in 28 Days Intensive Course, designed to help you break your bad habit and replace it with a good habit - regular exercise! Unagrandeyogaclub Intensive Courses accompany the practitioner, helping him become more disciplined. Consistency creates a healthy habit, and habit creates character! The intensive course program consists of four modules, each of which is devoted to a specific topic and consists of several days of classes in a row and a day of rest, aimed at working with breathing and concentration. Each day of the course includes a pranayama practice at the end of each day. In the first two weeks of the course, after a warm-up, one salutation to the sun is performed, and in the next two weeks - already three. With each new week, the duration of pranayama increases on rest days to help participants achieve greater flexibility and improve their breathing performance. Module 1 focuses on the static performance of asanas. The Unagrande YogaClub app does not and cannot contain health advice. The health information is for general information only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Accordingly, before taking any action based on such information, we recommend that you consult with the appropriate medical professionals. Unagrande YogaClub does not provide any medical advice. Your use of or reliance on any information contained in this application is solely at your own risk.
Quit smoking. Day 1
- 30 min
- 26 asanas
- 1525 score
- 233 kcal
Lesson details
- 30 minutes
- 26 asanas
- 233 kcal
Lesson plan
Unagrande YogaClub application cannot and does not contain health advice. Health information is provided for general information and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Accordingly, we encourage you to consult with appropriate medical professionals before taking any actions based upon such information. Unagrande YogaClub doesn’t provide any kind of medical advice. The use or reliance of any information contained in this application is solely at your own risk.