The intensive "Healthy Neck in 28 Days" course is designed to strengthen the muscles if they are in a hypotonic state, as well as to relax a number of muscles that are in a hypertonic state.
A number of exercises also help to stretch the muscles if they are shortened.
Warm-up exercises with arm movements at the beginning of each lesson play an important role. They warm up the neck area, which is essential for the safety of the subsequent movements.
Arching exercises in the prone position, as well as in the quadruped position, play a significant role.
In a number of standing and sitting exercises, the arms and shoulder blades are involved, which indirectly affect the health of the neck area.
Intensive stretching exercises, such as inverted poses, for example, the shoulder stand and its variations, are also provided.
Remember that the load is given step by step, but if you feel that you are not ready for a specific exercise, skip it.
For specific ailments related to the cervical spine, consult your attending physician and show them the exercises that make up the complexes, so that the specialist can indicate which movements you should not perform personally.
Practice, and stay healthy!